


Chinese Water Deer

1. 分类Taxonomy




Hydropotes inermisSwinhoe1870),英文名Chinese Water Deer

2. 保护级别Conservation Assessment


National second class key protected species of China


Vulnerable (VU) species on IUCN Red List

3. 形态特征Physical Description



1. 獐实体示意图(作者David Blank,来源Animal Diversity Web

Figure 1. Chinese water deer (contributor: David Blank; origin: Animal Diversity Web)




2. 獐面部示意图(作者Brent Huffman,来源IUCN

Figure 2. The face of Chinese water deer (contributor: Brent Huffman; origin: IUCN)


3. 獐牙示意图(来源不明)

Figure 3. The elongated upper canine of water deer (origin: unknown)


Chinese water deer is a small deer species with a body length of 90-105 cm and a weight of 14-17 kg. The limbs are stout and shoulder height is slightly lower than hip height. The hair on the body is brownish yellow, and the hair on the abdomen, neck and buttocks is lighter (Fig. 1).

Both sexes have no antler.

The upper canines of male are long and laterally flat. Protruding down from the mouth to form a distinct tusk. The real use of tusks is usually a weapon used to fight for territory and females (Fig. 2, 3).

The tail is extremely short and almost covered by the rump hair. The tail of the water deer, about 2-9 cm, is shorter compared to the muntjac's tail, which is more than 10 cm.

4. 地理分布Geographic Range



4. 獐世界范围分布图(来源IUCN

Figure 4. Geographic range of Chinese water deer around the world (origin: IUCN)



Chinese water deer once widely distributed in a vast area including the Yellow River basin and north of it in prehistoric period. After the changes of the natural environment as a result of climate change and human factors such as reclamation and hunting, their geographic range went north to the coast area of the Liaoning Peninsula, the Korean Peninsula off the Yellow Sea, south to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the eastern coastal area in subtropic. The distribution of Chinese water deer is divided into two isolated regions: the north is located in the west of the Korean Peninsula to the Liaoning Peninsula of China, and the south is located in the East of China (Fig. 4).

In China, Chinese water deer is distributed in Liaoning, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces.

In addition, Chinese water deer was artificially introduced to Britain and France in Europe.

5. 栖息环境Habitat


The Chinese water deer mainly inhabit in the lower reaches of rivers with gentle slope near rivers and coastal swamps. Their habitat selection varies with environmental water levels. In the wet season, they are mostly in shallow-hill and sparse shrub, while in the dry season, they are in marsh, tall grass and reeds.

6. 生活习性Ecology


Water deer is good at swimming and with timid disposition.

6.1 食物Food Habits


They mainly feed on young leaves, and also enter the farmland to forage crop leaves.

6.2 社群Sociality


They are solitary or gather as small groups.

6.3 领域Home Range


Water deer is territorial, which excretes to mark its territory. When there is invasion of the same species, males will drive the intruder out or take a fight with it, which usually will not lead to death.

6.4 节律Rhythm


The Water deer can be active at any time of day, but is most active in the late afternoon. After eating, they spend some time ruminating.

6.5 移动Moving Method


 They jump to move (Fig.5).


5. 獐移动奔跑示意图(作者Sugoto Roy,来源IUCN

Figure 5. Water deer jumping (contributor: Sugoto Roy; origin: IUCN)

7. 繁殖Reproduction



Chinese water deer breed once a year. They mate from November to January of the next year, with mating peak in December. Pregnancy is about 5-7 months, fawns are born from the end of May to the end of July in the next year.

Each litter is about 2-3 fawns, some have 6, even 7. The fawn has spots on its body (Fig. 6).


6. 幼獐实体图(来源红山动物园)

Figure 6. The fawn of water deer (origin: Hongshan Zoo)

8. 保护现状Conservation Status



At present, the population number of Chinese water deer in wild is decreasing, and the population distribution is fragmented. Habitat change and overhunting are the main reasons for the decline of Chinese water deer populations and even extinction in some areas. The human population density is increasing along the river and lake, which is also the main battlefield for the development of industrial and agricultural production. Most of the wetlands with tall grass and reeds were reclaimed for farmland; Residual reed are all cut in winter, which will destroy the habitat environment and hidden places of water deer. And farmers excessively hunt them for their meat. With main habitat in plains, rivers and lakes, beaches or low hilly edge, water deer is easy to be hunted and killed.

 Nature reserves such as Poyang Lake Nature Reserve and Yancheng Nature Reserve have been established to protect Chinese water deer. With the continuous improvement of the environment and people's awareness of conservation, it is hoped that the population of Chinese water deer can reach a stable state.